Some people might be inclined to believe that wireless chargers can only be used for recharging mobile devices and for the most part they would be correct. By taking a look at what’s out there, however, we can see how more and more devices, appliances, and even vehicles are starting to lean the way of wireless charging, a trend that shows no signs of stopping anytime soon.
If anything, we can safely assume that most office appliances will eventually incorporate wireless charging technologies, which means that it’s only a matter of time before office spaces start getting remodeled to fit the requirements.
You should probably do this yourself byfitting an invisible charger somewhere inside the house, preferably under a desk, table, or cabinet.
As we are about to find out, forward-thinking offices around the world are already starting to adapt to these emerging trends. Although they don’t all move at the same speed, the willingness to look into incorporating wireless charging technologies into their office setup is definitely something we should be praising going forward.
A modern workplace has to be wireless-friendly
When we take inventory of what constitutes a good workplace, we tend to observe certain patterns repeating themselves over and over again. For starters, the workplace environment has to be accommodating to not only the people who inhabit it but also to the tools, gadgets, and accessories they are likely to use on a daily basis.
The more we delve into the digital age the more we discover how much convenience matters with respect to productivity. This means that almost every single device that people use can and will at some point have a wireless alternative or feature. Remember that phones and computers were static items at some point, which is no longer the case for people who live and work in dynamic environments.
We can therefore expect every single office appliance to have wireless operating functions and why not, wireless charging features for good measure. This is already the case with smartphones and tablets but we can safely expect more and more devices to incorporate wireless charging capabilities long-term.
But convenience has to be paired with aesthetics, or at least that’s what people expect from the devices they employ. In regards to wireless chargers,people with rather use an invisible charger for all their charging needs rather than a bulky and obvious implement that takes up a whole lot of space.
This is perhaps the reason why most wireless chargers benefit from a minimalistic and stylish design. Although practical usage is still of the essence, manufacturers always get points for style. We can also see why a concealed phone charger would be easier to operate in a modern workplace.
Given how many appliances and accessories people use at work, you would rather avoid hitting your elbow against bulky implements if you can help it. This has always been true for traditional chargers because who among us hasn’t tripped on a charger wire at some point or another?
It’s even worse when the charger is still attached to your phone and you get that mini heart seeing the phone inevitably smashing against the ground afterward.
The architecture of wireless chargers enables compact designs
Unlike traditional chargers that had serious limitations on mobility on account of their dependence on wires, wireless chargers can be more ingenious in their design. Technologically speaking, wireless chargers replace traditional power supply cables by means of electromagnetic induction between a transmitting pad or dongle and a battery-powered unit.
This assembly allows for the transmitter unit to be built into any pattern that would allow it with virtually no limitations. Seeing how the power transmitter unit is responsible for controlling the transmitting coil and generating the correct amount of power, it is the only element that needs a sturdy and inflexible casing.
As long as the receiver unit (smartphone, tablet, etc) continuously provides the transmitter with the correct power level demands, the modulating nature of the transmitter will always deliver the correct charge via inductive waves.
This allows for the correct amount of power to be generated and to reduce energy waste, more so than what traditional chargers were capable of.
So not only are these chargers more versatile in their application but they also end up being insanely practical and minimizing energy waste to an impressive standard.
In many ways,your average invisible charger can prove a lot more practical than even the most technologically advanced wired charger by virtue of its practical design and hands-off application.
A myriad of options for an ever-changing environment
It used to be that only a handful of devices would accommodate Qi charging systems. Over time, however, the number of devices that incorporate wireless charging capabilities grew tenfold. It seems that nowadays a majority of all the smart devices that enter the market have inbuilt Qi chargeable batteries.
We can expect the number of devices to grow exponentially going forward and we’re not just talking here about smart devices. True, phones, tablets, and smartwatches will always make up the majority of Qi-chargeable devices, but there is virtually no limitation on what devices could technically make good use of the technology.
As far as what the future holds, we can realistically expect more office gadgets and appliances to make good use of wireless charging technologies. We already see the beginnings of a whole spectrum of office lamps, planners, and clocks that incorporate Qi-charging systems, and we can expect their numbers to grow.
If current trends are to continue, it wouldn’t be too much of a stretch to see vehicles and house appliances follow suit at some point in the near future. Except for minor limitations related to charging distances, there is no reason why the technology shouldn’t reach out far beyond what it is currently used for.